Thursday was my first day in Art History class here in Lyon. We all met at Place Bellecour and took the funiculaire up the hill to the Musee Gallo-Romain for a little tour and education. =]
In the B.C years and a bit after, the Romans took over this area in France and there are still ruins left in Lyon since then (so awesome right!!!!! eeh =]) This museum is dedicated to roman excavations found here in Lyon. There are columns, mosaics, sarcophogi, peices from the ampitheatres and collesium ect. Located next to the museum are two ampitheatres (one smaller than the other, called an "odean") Here are pictures of them:
This is a picture from the top of the theatre looking down. The flat wood platform is where they would perform plays and the broken columns behind used to extend all the way up with a backdrop, forming a wall, but over the thousands of years, they have been broken.
This is a side picture of the seats of the theatre.
Here is our class sitting on the steps of the theatre. Our professor is in the red coat. She is a pretty hip lady. lol. I like her.
We are so stinkin' lucky to be sitting on these steps. It is amazing to come to a country that has seen so much more history than ours in the states. I can't believe this has been here since 15 B.C. It is absolutely unreal. I love it! =]
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