I finished reading the book Eclipse last night. =) Um.. this is what I think about it:
I almost cried like 3 times haha Only because I love Edward Cullen so much and I wish that he would ask me to marry him! I hate Jacob Black. haha. Okay, hate is a strong word, but in real life, if I knew the guy, I would tell him that he did this to himself and should have not gotten in between Bella and Edward's relationship!! UGH! haha Althouh, because I haven't yet read all the books, I don't know if Jacob "imprinted" Bella or not, so I don't know how much he could have helped being destined with her.. But still, even if that is the case, I still choose Team Edward. Some may think that I choose him just because of my ridiculous infatuation with Robert Pattinson, but no really, Edward's character is perfect and second he happens to be played by Robert... haha jk. ;) I also do not like Bella Swan, I cannot believe that that girl just thought that she could cheat on a perfect man like Edward!! Wow! stupid girl. I don't understand how Stephenie Meyer just decided to have Bella love Jake back. I feel like she wrote Bella's character as never loving Jacob romantically, and then all of a sudden, she did.. it was a bit weird. I guess it made for a better book, I don't know.
All I DO know, is that I am going to get Breaking Dawn today so I can figure out what Robert Pattinson is going to do at the end of this story haha.
So, this movie was directed my a different director that New Moon. Its weird that they are changing directors for every movie, because they are all going to be so different than each other.. but maybe this is a good thing. (I hope) Anyway, the director is David Slade. He hasn't directed much, mostly music videos and 2 other films than Eclipse. If any of you have seen Hard Candy, he directed that. I liked that movie, but it was a bit weird and twisted. Apparently he is going to bring a real dark edge to this third Twilight. I really hope its great! It comes out June 30, 2010. SO SOON!! Im so stoked!
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