Yes, it is sideways, but I couldn't figure out how to rotate a picture on blogger. lol Anyway, I was so happy to receive a present that wasn't just placed in a package, but actually wrapped! It was as if I were opening the gift at home.. I loved the wrapping paper, the fact that she wrote "To: Mallory ♥Melissa" and the ribbon. When I saw the ribbon I thought, "YAY! =) It's red and silky! This is a perfect hair accessory!" hehe =)
Well yesterday I finally decided to use my new hair accessory. I was asked 4 times, "What is that in your hair?" This question was asked by 3 Frenchies and one British. When the last one expressed his confusion as to why I had a ribbon in my hair, I then asked him, "Is it not normal to wear ribbons in your hair in France or something? You are the 4th person to ask me this!" And he said, "Yea, girls don't do that here."
Well, you know what France? It is absolutely normal and ADORABLE to wear ribbons in your hair!!!
Here is proof:
The late 70's band, The Cars, have a song "Just What I Needed" where they sing about a girl that wears ribbons in her hair.
Also, her are many pictures.

Audrey Hepburn.. really I shouldn't even show any more pictures.. Audrey is all we need. If Audrey does it, you should do it. She is the epitome of beauty and class. However, I will continue anyway.
Kelly Osbourne .. I think. ;)
They are even in the arts! You see, Roy Lichtenstein understood the ribbon.
I don't need to justify the ribbon, though, it justifies itself ;) It's feminine, it's youthful and it's playful.. If your girls don't wear ribbons, they should! =)
And Melissa, thank you so much for my new hair accessory. I will definitely wear it again.
Awe, I like this post a lot!