Bonjour mes amis!
So I have quite a bit to share with you because the last few days were filled with great adventures!! I have a few pictures so with the help of these, hopefully I can keep this post as short and to the point as possible (No one wants to read a novel on these things).
Two nights ago (Friday 11 September):
I already shared with you this day, it was the day I bought that awesome outfit with the torn pants, but this is a photo from that night. Nothing too exciting other than I like it because it is a cute picture of me and Katie. We are on the bus and really excited about it!

Last night. (Saturday 12 September)
I went to this concert in a park, which was free, and it was so much fun!
This band was awesome! They had so much energy and they sang in English, which was a plus! They were a good band to dance to! =] It was super funny because their lyrics were RIDICULOUS and I doubt that over half of the people at the concert didn't even know what they were saying because most everyone doesn't speak English here. haha good times.

This band, Madame Olga, was insane. haha French rock is classic. This guy's name is Sof. I dug him. lol Check them out on myspace to see what I am talking about. They had some crazy cool sound effects with their performance which made ir pretty epic.

Today, my friend Mike and I volunteered to help with the Lyon Bicycle Marathon. We got up extremely early and helped set up a food pit stop for all the contestants. We were there from about 7AM-3PM helping passing out food and drinks. I had a really good time. It was a great opporunity to network, meet some really great people from Lyon and of course practice my french!! =]
Here are some of the bikers.

This is Soginal (?) I can't spell her name.. But we became good friends throughout the day. She was one funny lady. =] I like her. "Voulez-vous du chocolat fondu?!" "Je vais faire un petit sandwich du chocolat!!" Haha There were chocolate bars for the particapants, but the sun melted them, so she was yelling out to everyone if they wanted "Chocolate Fondu." haha

After the marathon, a few of our new friends (Soginal, Pierre and Louisette) took Mike and me to look around the Hotel de Ville area. We went to this flee market where I bought 4 Disney movies in french, Harry Potter 1, 4 and 5 in french and a Babar book in french of course ALL for only 7.50 Euro. Such an awesome deal/day! Then they took us to probably one of the coolest cafe's that I have been to. The interior was just really chic and the ambiance was way chill. I liked it a lot.
Well that was pretty much the end of my fantastic day.. I mean, there were other really exciting things, but too small to add to the blog. I hope that you all had a fantastic day today as well! And until my next post,
Bonne Journée! (which I learned the true significance today!! woop woop!)
-Mallory Venema