Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Qu'est-ce que vous pensez?

So, what do you think?
Should I cut bangs or leave them to grow?
Please give your opinion. I will be looking for comments. Thanks.

Now that that business is taken care of.


Things went better today than I thought. I was scared to have the "future talk" with the officials, but it went well. The only future we talked about was the ideas that we have for our research project. I told Chris, the "official" lol, that I was interested in researching the history of the architecture in Lyon, and from that he told me some other good ideas that would direct my research into something more fun and interesting. He told me that Lyon started a movement called "mettre en valeur" (I believe) and it was to perserve the historical architecture and other sites here in Lyon. Apparently people invested money into this project that pursued renovation to the historical city. I don't know much about it yet, of course, but I think that this would be something interesting to look into. I find it great that Lyon recognizes the importance of the art in the city and wants to keep preserve it as it is the story of their city. I also find that beauty is a lot more important here than in the United States. And I don't mean physical beauty, I am talking about the beauty in art and the enviornment. So, we will see how that goes. The only difficult part is going to be doing the research IN FRENCH and writing the paper IN FRENCH. eek.

One last thing... I swore off of Nutella. haha Quick huh? I threw up last night and I think it is because I ate like half a jar of that stuff. ICK!

Okay.. well have a beautiful day! And don't forget to advise me on cutting my bangs or not!

Thanks! Ciao!


  1. Cut bangs!!! =) BTW: I love reading your blog. I look for a new post every day! Oh and what is the time difference between there and the states?

  2. Oh meg!! Thanks! That makes me so happy! haha The time difference is 9 hours from Cali.. so what is that from you, 7 hours?

  3. I vote no. They are a lot of work, and you won't be able to "get up and go" without fixing them.

    And I want to hear the English version of your research project! It sounds so cool.

  4. I think you look cute with bangs!! But you look cute all the time. :) So I love reading your stuff. lol. Talk to you soon!!!

  5. Hi :) I'm Erin's friend and I love reading your blog because it makes me want to go back to France! And I'm also a hair stylist, so I reject her "no" to bangs and say do it! From your picture, I think they would look super cute on you!

  6. Yes, 7 hours! We are going to Cali in October and visiting the Oakdale church! Oh how I wish you could be there so you could meet my Emma!!! =)

  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! On the bangs!!!!!!!
