My obsession at the moment: Nutella.

Most of your probably know what Nutella is, but for those who do not, it is a chocolate/hazelnut spread that is very popular in France. Often times people put it on bread or crepes, but I just like to spoon it! Haha Below is a picture of my friends (Katie and Geo) and me with Nutella mustaches. ;)
This is how much we love it. I think it is best seen on my white face.
Today our class had a meeting with our program advisors/directors and they told us that beginging tomorrow, we are going to have to discuss our future plans in life and ideas for our research project. Now anyone who knows me knows that "future plans" does not settle well in my stomache.. ugh.. I hate talking "future." For the research project, I am a bit nervous, but I think that it is pretty open to any ideas so naturally I am going to go towards art in Lyon, right? So, I have mentioned a bit about the beautiful buildings in Lyon and I think I want to research the evolution/adaption of style for the different monumental buildings in Lyon. This city has so much history to unveil and I think it might be fun to research it, of course, through the art! =] How ironic that I am an Art History major.
One other thing. I am not sure if I mentioned it before, but there is another female student that lives here. She was in Spain for the last week and a half, so I had not met her yet, but tonight she came home. Her name is Maria. She is very nice. She speaks better French than I do, and she doesn't speak any English at all. I think that this is going to be difficult for me to communicate with her, but I pray pray pray that it WONT be lol and that hopefully I can use this opportunity to speak more French more frequently. (Because God knows that I speak English to my friends in the program... not good, I know, not good.)
Okay, well I have homework and sleep to catch up on. Have a good night! And watch out for that Nutella!!
A demain,
Hey Mallory, I hope this comes through. Yea, cut your bangs and glad you quit nutella