So I have been in France for a complete week now. It has been filled with baguettes, lots of cheese, delicious tarts, new friends and of course, French. I am really enjoying it, as you can read in my past blogs, but the only thing that is making me sad is that I am not yet fluent. Not even close. Now, I know that you are all thinking, "You have only been there one week! Of course you are not going to be fluent yet," but I tell you that it is still very hard for me to understand when I am spoken to in French and when I try (try) to speak it. I am getting really frustrated. =[ I just want to be able to convey everything I am thinking and feeling without taking minutes just to think of what vocabulary word I know best, or without having to say half of my sentence in English. =[ I feel really bad for Anne, my house mom, because she will say something to me and I wont understand her at first and she will have to repeat it a couple times and say it slow. I feel like I am mentally challenged or something. (I'm really sorry Anne, you might be reading this, but it is my chance to tell you that I feel really bad and I hope hope hope that I will be able to communicate with you in French much easier in the future! =[ ) I also feel bad for my "little sister" Zoe. I want to talk to her a lot and learn about her, but again, it is not easy for me because of the language barrier.
Okay, I'm done with my complaints...
So today some friends and I bought some food and took in to the park with the zoo and had a picnic! It was a lot of fun, and very filling (you know, baguettes and cheese) The cheeses we had were absolutely amazing!! There was brie, ash cheese (?), pepper cheese and this sweet raisin cheese. The names should probably be much classier than that haha but seriously, they were the best cheeses I have ever had in my life. haha. Here is a picture of some of us at the picnic, minus one because she was taking the picture:
In the picture from the left is Alexandria, Me, David and Etta. Behind the camera is Veronica.
Tonight I think that a bunch of us are either going to someone's birthday party that is in the Immersion program at Lyon or explore some more in Vieux Lyon, I don't know. I just really enjoy hanging out with my new friends lol.
Some FABULOUS news apart from my times in France is that my baby girl (dog) Sadie has given birth successfully to 5 pups!!! =] YAY!!! I am so happy for her! From what I have heard, the process went well and they are all healthy! Gosh, I am so sad I missed it. =[
OK... well, I must go now.
Until then, Au Revoir!
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