Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Moon :: Tentation

I want to blog about New Moon before it is released all over the world.

Last night, November 18, I had the opportunity to see New Moon. =D Two days before the states, so naturally, I want to proclaim this haha. Because I saw it in France, it had French subtitles, and was called Tentation (meaning "temptation") but that did not interfere at all with the movie being more than satisfying. =)

I absolutely loved New Moon. Because there was a new director, it is so different! But different in a good way. I felt like the level of fantasy was raised, which was cool because Twilight didn't have any element of fantasy to it. . . however I'm still not sure how I feel about that that because I think the reason I liked Twilight so much was because it was real, or seemed real to me at least. I want to go see it again though, and maybe I will change my mind lol. I think that Kristen Stewart did such a better job acting this time. I just feel like I could relate with her when she was without Edward. Her depression, emptiness and thought that Edward was never coming back was so convincing.. I loved the scenes where she would scream in her bed. Someone told me that they hated that part because they thought it was a little extreme, but I disagree, I feel like that would really happen in real life. I pretty much almost cried like 3 times in the movie haha I didn't, but I almost did...

I am pleased to see that there were also some really cheesy parts in the movie that made the crowd laugh.. What would Twilight be without really cheesy quotes? haha So.. Jasper Hale.. poor guy. There is a quote at the end of the movie that was just ridiculous haha Bella is asking the Cullens if they will agree to make her a vampire, and Jasper says something like "Yes, so I won't always want to kill you..." my goodness.. really script writer? It might not be that funny quoted, but you should have seen the actors face when he said it.. lol. Also, poor Mike Newton.. the actor gained like 25 lbs and looked like a creepy 40 yr old man haha Plus his character his super cheesy anyway, so I just felt like the actor got the short end of the stick for this movie. =| bummer.

Just a few more comments: I absolutely love the soundtrack. love love love it. Every song. Kristen Stewart actually looked pretty in this movie. Angela looked really good too. I don't think I like how the vampires look more like vampires ... the make-up was a but different, which wasn't bad, but the contacts were a more extreme yellow and I just feel like it was too noticeable if they are supposed to be in the real world... and they all looked older to me =| I hope they can keep them all from aging by the Breaking Dawn movie. Umm.. I am not a fan of Jacob Black p.s. Yea, his body is nice, and it looks like he would be very nice to hug lol BUT I just don't like how he thinks that he can just step in between the love of Edward and Bella.. but that is the book, not the movie, so that is the end of that. I just love Edward Cullen.. I want my own Edward Cullen. =|

Enjoy the movie U.S. =)

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